Japan Shotokan Karate England would like to welcome all grades of students to our 4th Spring Course. The course is open to all students (you must hold a current licence with your association and bring it with you).


Masao Kawasoe sensei, Chief Instructor – 8th Dan JKA

Roy Tomlin sensei – 7th Dan JTKI / 6th Dan JKA

Ken Hori sensei – 6th Dan JKA & JTKI


University of Hertfordshire Sports Village, de Havilland Campus, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, AL10 9EU. Parking spaces available.

Time Schedule

  • 11:00 – Registration
  • 11:20 – Line up and Welcome
  • 11:30 – First Session (All grades with Kawasoe sensei)
  • 13:00 – Lunch Break
  • 13:45 – Second Session (Brown and black belts with Kawasoe sensei, colour belts with Roy sensei and Ken sensei)
  • 15:15 – End of Second Session
  • 15:30 – Pub!


  • £20 in advance (register below)
  • £25 on the door


Official photographs will be taken during the course. Any parents / guardians objecting to this should make registration aware in writing prior to the course commencement.


If you are using an iPhone please use this link.

Please fill a separate form for each participant.